"Patron Emile Daniel"


The 3 lives of the boat "Patron Emile Daniel"

On 3 June 1962, Etel received the boat "Patron Emile Daniel", in homage to the previous captain lost in the 1958 accident.

Le Patron Émile Daniel (ex-SNS 025) est un ancien bateau de la Société nationale de sauvetage en mer (SNSM). Ce canot tous temps avec une coque en bois moulé, insubmersible et autoredressable pouvait sortir dans n'importe quelle condition de vent et de mer. Ils sont reconnaissables à leur coque de couleur verte et à leur numéro commençant par un 0. Il a le label BIP "Bateau d'intérêt patrimonial" de la Fondation du patrimoine maritime et fluvial depuis 2011.

It was named Émile Daniel, in homage to the skipper and the four sailors of the canoe Vice-Amiral Schwerer II (Eugène Daniel, Emile's elder brother, Maurice Formal, Louis Lofficial and Gustave Le Mignant), who had perished in 1958 while rescuing the shipwrecked from the Alain Bombard tragedy who was testing his boat on the Étel bar.


It was in service at the SNSM station of Étel for more than 40 years, from 1962 to 2003. Initially equipped with 2 Baudouin engines of 75 hp, she was redesigned in 1985. She then received 2 Renault-Couach engines of 140 hp and a closed wheelhouse. A damage in September 2003 put an end to her long career.

She was replaced by the Sieur de Champlain II (SNS 244), built in 1992. In 2013, the Nohic (SNS 205) took over. Her former crew and volunteers refurbish her with the help of the Rameau shipyard and the technical school. Once back in the water, she was entrusted in 2004 to the Association "Patron Emile Daniel" (APED), which sailed her for the maritime festivals.


The Étel sea rescue station, founded by the Société Centrale des Naufragés in 1867, has been listed as a historical monument since 8 August 2008. The boat Patron Emile Daniel was listed as a historical monument in 2016. The building housing the boat was built by the ETPO company in 1962. The mobile davit, allowing the boat to be capsized overboard, as well as the barrel rack were built and assembled by the Nantes company The mobile davit, which allows the canoe to be capsized at sea, and the barrel rack were built and assembled by the Nantes-based company "Ancien établissement Joseph Paris" (now known as Établissement Joseph Paris).
